Dear Saints of God,
As we continue through the season of Holy Trinity, we are brought through the Apostles’ Tide in the Higher Things Reflections by the Rev. Rick Sawyer. Pastor Sawyer serves Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School in Brandon, MS. You can meet Pastor Sawyer and the Vox Visuals crew at The Feast. Be sure to catch his breakaway sectional at the Feast entitled “The Small Catechism: Daily Guidance for God’s X-Men.”
The booklet for all of Apostle’s Tide is available in pdf-format for download here. You can receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: You can find an RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things Daily Reflections here. Listening to podcasts requires iTunes. Our Podcast is updated daily.
“O blest communion, fellowship divine, We feebly struggle, they in glory shine; Yet all are one in Thee, for all are Thine. Alleluia! Alleluia!” (TLH 463, 4)
In Christ,
The Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Excutive
Higher Things, Inc.