Our look at the HT-U Sectionals at The Feast concludes with a short examination of “HT-U: Campus Ministry – Just Add Water”
Do you have a college near you? Would you like to learn how to begin a campus ministry outreach at a local college(s) on a shoestring budget?
Get some help getting started from a panel of campus pastors that represent several different types of campus ministry models: full-time, part-time, and
a contact congregation. This sectional is designed to be tailored to your specific campus situation and provide practical help and support.
Learn from Rev. Marcus Zill (University of Wyoming, Rev. David Kind (University of Minnesota – Twin Cities) and Rev. Derek Roberts (University
of Tennessee), and Rev. Rob Jarvis (University of Minnesota-Morris).
So join the Christ on Campus Team and not only get some great advice, but learn about how Chris ton Campus can help you as you seek to gift the
college students that you have the opportunity to serve.