
Epiphany Reflections (2007)

“Epiphany is the Christmas of the Gentiles; Christmas for those who were ‘not a people.’  Those who were once far off, are now drawn near.  The star is their evangelist, proclaiming the ‘for you’ of the Gospel to them in terms they can understand and apprehend.  This Child, born of Mary, in Bethlehem, is King of the Jews, and He is also your King.”  (Reflection for the Epiphany of Our Lord – January 6, 2006)

The year, we invite you to celebrate the Lord’s Epiphany with these Reflections from Higher Things.  They are written by the Rev. William M. Cwirla, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church, Hacienda Heights, CA.  Pastor Cwirla is the Vice President of Higher Things and is a  plenary speaker at both of this year’s “FOR YOU” conferences.

The booklet of Advent Reflections is available for free in pdf-format for download here.  You can receive the Higher Things Reflections in your e-mail box today! Subscribe by sending any e-mail to: You can find an RSS Feed and Podcast for the Higher Things Daily Reflections here.  Listening to podcasts requires iTunes.  Our Podcast is updated daily.

Merry Christmas!

Rev. George F. Borghardt III
Internet Services Executive
Higher Things, Inc.

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