Emma Kovachevich
I attended the Bread of Life Conference in Cedar Falls, Iowa this year. My favorite part of the conference was the church services, especially Evening Prayer. The liturgy was absolutely beautiful. I greatly savored the fellowship experienced by singing the liturgy and hymnody with hundreds of other youth who “Dare to be Lutheran®.”
I also particularly enjoyed the breakaway on marriage and dating taught by Pastor Buetow. We learned that marriage is the union of man and woman, which is the picture of Christ being joined to His Bride, the Church. Pastor Buetow, like all of the other presenters, is informative and entertaining at the same time.
Finally, I thoroughly relished the free time activities such as knockerball, swimming, and, of course, the chant-off.
I am looking so forward to next year’s conference!
Emma Kovachevich is a member at Calvary Lutheran Church in Elgin, Illinois.